Gleam lang debugging, early days!

December 7, 2024

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Gleam is nice little programming language. Perhaps common of functional programming languages, there is no debugger.

...or is there?

Why care? I code a lot. I code at work, I code outside of work, I listen to code podcasts, I read about coding design, I teach coding. Although like to think I'm somewhat competent, I write garbage code. Even worse, I constantly make bad assumptions. Sure, I write tests, but I make bad assumptions there too. Interactive & introspecting debuggers are the best cure for my coding ailments.

So, back to Gleam. Gleam can compile to JavaScript runtimes. Alis has a branch of the gleam compiler to add JavaScript sourcemaps. Hopefully that gets merged soon!

If one can compile Gleam to JavaScript with sourcemaps, one can use existing JavaScript debugging tools.

How to setup debugging in Gleam

  1. git clone the sourcemap enabled version of the compiler. Hopefully you will not need to do this long term!
  2. Install a late-2024 version of the rustup compiler. rustup toolchain install stable should do the trick, presuming you've installed rustup.
  3. Run cargo build. cargo is distributed with rust.
  4. Make note of the compiled binary, e.g. echo $PWD/target/debug/gleam for me.
    1. Optional--I set this path in my dotfiles as GLEAM_BIN=/path/to/target/debug/gleam, as I'll be using it a lot going forward
  5. Get hacking on your favorite gleam project. Create bugs. This shouldn't take anytime at all!
  6. Configure Gleam for debugging. Update your gleam.toml with the following patches:
# gleam.toml
name = "my=project"
+ target = "javascript"

+ [javascript]
+ sourcemaps = true
  1. Teach VSCode how to debug Gleam. The following is just for VSCode, albeit, you could likely adapt these steps for other editors.
    1. Create/update .vscode/settings.json:
// .vscode/settings.json
  "debug.javascript.terminalOptions": {
    env: {
      NODE_OPTIONS: "${env:NODE_OPTIONS} --import ./monkey-patch-gleam-custom-properties-for-debugging.mjs",
    skipFiles: [
    customPropertiesGenerator: "this.customProperties ? this.customProperties() : this",

This file does some work.

  1. It sets NODE_OPTIONS to add an import statement to a module we will use to monkey-patch the gleam runtime. This is an optional step, but makes your output much more human friendly.

  2. Setup skipFiles. You probably do not want to be stepping into the gleam javascript implementation of the standard libraries, as it's somewhat obnoxious and disruptive. Tinker as you see fit.

  3. Sets up customPropertiesGenerator. This goes hand-in-hand additionally with the monkey patching above. Gleam isnt javascript, but we're using a javascript debugger. This field helps give VSCode better hints at how to present gleam data-structures in-editor. There's more work to be done here. If you are interested in this topic, please follow along @ microsoft/vscode-js-debug#2140

  4. Next, setup your monkey-patching file. Adjust as you see fit.

    1. Aside: it will be worth updating the gleam VSCode extension to auto perform this for us, as it can subscribe to when users engage with the debugger, and instrument automatically on our behalf!
// ./monkey-patch-gleam-custom-properties-for-debugging.mjs
 * These methods are used by VSCode JS debugger to display better representation
 * of Gleam data structures in the debugger.
 * @warn This feature is reliant the debug launch settings--see .vscode/{settings,launch}.json
import Dict from "./build/dev/javascript/gleam_stdlib/dict.mjs";
import { List, NonEmpty } from "./build/dev/javascript/prelude.mjs";
import { new$ as newSet } from "./build/dev/javascript/gleam_stdlib/gleam/set.mjs";

List.prototype.customProperties = function () {
  return this.toArray();

// aSet.constructor.prototype.customProperties = function () {
//   if (this.dict) {
//     return Object.values(this.dict.customProperties());
//   }
// }

NonEmpty.prototype.customProperties = function () {
  return [this.head, ...this.tail.toArray()];

Dict.prototype.customProperties = function () {
  var out = {};
  this.forEach((v, k) => {
    out[k] = v;
  return out;

Object.getPrototypeOf(newSet()).customProperties = function () {
  return this.dict.entries().map(([k, _v]) => k);
  1. gleam clean
  2. Fire up a VSCode JavaScript debugging terminal. E.g. cmd+shift+p Debug Terminal.
  3. Set some breakpoints in your Gleam source code...
  4. $GLEAM_BIN run
    1. Enjoy debugging!